Lime is a common fruit that you can find in almost every household. Can Cats Eat Lime? With the benefits that it brings us, humans, pet owners may wonder if it can provide the same benefits – or even more – to their cats.

Can Cats Eat Lime?
The simple answer to that question is no. Lime does not provide the same benefits, and cats should not eat lime. They contain chemicals that are toxic to cats. While cats may taste it out of curiosity, it should be prevented, as it can cause serious health problems.
Is Lime Good For Cats?
Citrus fruits are not good for cats, which include lime. Luckily, lime does not appeal to cats anyway. We all are aware of the strong smell of limes. Cats have a heightened sense of smell, so they despise the aromatic smell and will keep their distance from it. Even if they ever taste it, it will be out of curiosity and not their liking.
Are Limes Poisonous To Cats?
Yes, limes are poisonous to cats. However, a tiny portion of lime juice should not create any issues. If consumed, lime includes two compounds that are hazardous to cats. Chemicals in limes that are beneficial to humans are detrimental to our cats. Because cats have such a delicate digestive system, they cannot absorb nutrients in such a way that they receive its benefits.
The first chemical is Limonene. This ingredient is used to treat various ailments and is frequently used in home items as a scent and cleaning agent. If this compound is ingested in large quantities, it can cause irritation and health problems.
Psoralen is the second chemical. This is found in the rind of the lime. It is found in plants other than lime as well. By boosting the sensitivity of our skin to UV radiation, this substance is utilized as a medicine to treat some skin conditions in humans. However, because cats are not subjected to UV radiation therapy, it will only cause skin issues if consumed by them.
Furthermore, the rind of the lime contains essential oils. The fruit contains acids that cats cannot process and make them sick.
How Much Lime is Poisonous To Cats?
Ideally, your cat should not ingest any lime. Cats are poisoned by lime peels, fruits, and seeds. Whether in the shape of a fruit, a pie, or meat, avoid feeding lime to your cat.
However, it is not a big issue if your cat consumes just a small amount of lime, although it may cause gastrointestinal distress and drool. But the tricky part is identifying how much is a small amount. Since cats are tiny, it does not take much. What may be small for you may not be small for them. This is why ideally, your cat should not consume any amount of lime.
What If My Cat Licked A Lime?
If your cat even licked a lime, you need to get it checked and treated. Licking is enough to cause problems for your cat. But the good thing is it is treatable.
Some of the adverse reactions caused by eating limes can include:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Weakness
- Excessive drooling
- Photosensitivity
- Loss of coordination
- Dermatitis
- Low blood pressure
- Trembling
These reactions can worsen if your cat eats lime in an excessive amount.
If your cat has eaten lime or you see them suffering from any of the above, it is critical to immediately get your cat to the vet. The vet may give it a thorough bath to remove the oils from its tummy. Your cat may also require IV fluids, medications, and adequate warming to recuperate. Your cat might die or become seriously ill if it overate lime and the toxin level is too high.
As long as your cat does not consume a large amount of lime, you can sigh in relief. All you need to do is get your cat a proper treatment, and your cat can recover just fine.
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Eating limes can result in death. However, this is unusual because cats generally avoid limes.
There are other ways that lime can reach the cat. The most common is citrus oil made from lime. Sometimes pet owners use lime oil to keep their cats away from specific items. It would be best to avoid this as it only overexposes your cat and can be very dangerous.
Can Cats Eat Key Lime Pie?
Key lime pie is not ideal for cats. For the same reason mentioned above, lime is toxic for cats, and thus, a key lime pie is also toxic. Furthermore, it is high in sugar and fat, with little nutritional value, making it even more dangerous for cats.
Your cat may take a bite of this pie out of curiosity, but you should not purposefully be feeding it. You must keep an eye out and prevent even accidental consumption of this pie by your cat.
Whether you have a kitten or a cat, it is not wise to feed them key lime pie. Feeding kittens would be worse as they are more fragile and need a proper and healthy diet to grow into healthy cats. They can fall very sick as they are not fully grown yet.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is lime dangerous for cats?
Yes. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, limes contain chemicals that can be harmful when mixed with the acidity in limes.
Can cats eat lime chips?
Cats should not eat lime chips. If they consume a small chip, it probably will not be life-threatening. However, you may notice discomfort in your cat.
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Can cats eat lime juice?
Cats should not consume lime juice. Anything that contains lime can be harmful to your cat, so it is best not to take any risks.
Final Thoughts
If your cat ever does consume lime, quickly take them to the vet so they can receive proper treatment and be back to their old, healthy self.
Hopefully, you will not have to deal with such a problem because cats are pretty intelligent and will avoid it themselves.