Can Cats Eat Peas? Are Peas Toxic To Cats?




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Although peas are associated with the human diet, you might notice your cat often sniffing the pods or sneaking a bite when you dish out on your plate. Cats are not herbivores but are attracted to peas because of their striking color. So, Can cats eat peas or not?

Can Cats Eat Peas

Can Cats Eat Peas?

Yes, cats can eat peas and enjoy their taste and benefits. Peas in moderate amounts are non-toxic and easily digestible and can be a good substitute for high-calorie and sugar-rich treats for your kitty. Furthermore, peas are packed with essential vitamins and minerals and dietary fiber that aid in a cat’s digestive function.

Check here can cats eat peas

However, you should avoid giving peas in large portions to your cat as it can cause vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea. If you suspect your cat could be sensitive to peas, contact a vet before introducing it into their diet.

Are Peas Good/Ok For Cats?

There are three different varieties of peas: garden peas, snow peas, and snap peas. All varieties are safe for cats if given in proper quantity. Peas are good for cats because they are rich in dietary fiber that aids in defecation and prevents constipation induced by the protein-rich meat diet.

Moreover, peas contain minerals like manganese, iron, potassium, and copper, all of which are good for the gastrointestinal tract and benefit the digestive health of cats. These legumes also contain essential nutrients such as Vitamin K, B1, B6, and C and contain traces of starch that help provide energy to your furkid.

How Many Peas Can A Cat Eat?

Adding a small number of peas to your cat’s diet can be beneficial and not cause harm to their gastrointestinal tract. Three to four pods are enough for a day, but peel them before adding them to their feed.

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Some cats can be sensitive to legumes. Hence, if you observe your cat showing nausea, diarrhea, or vomiting after eating peas, refrain from giving it. If symptoms persist, get your cat checked by a vet.  

Why Do Cats Eat Peas?

Cats are obligate carnivores but are attracted to peas due to their prominent green color and sweet smell. Moreover, since cats consume a protein-rich diet consisting mainly of meat, it forms a large amount of nitrogenous waste in their body. Due to this, they become prone to constipation, and as peas contain dietary fiber, eating a small amount can help relieve it.

Are Peas Toxic To Cats?

Peas are beneficial for cats as long as they are fresh or frozen and fed in small amounts. However, canned peas or peas in large amounts are toxic to cats and can produce health issues such as vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea.  

Can Cats Eat Snap Peas?

Yes, cats can eat snap peas as they are a great source of vitamins and essential minerals that might be lacking in a meat-only diet. To feed snap peas to your cat, select fresh or frozen peas and boil them to soften them. Avoid giving raw peas as they can cause gastrointestinal disturbances.

Can Cats Eat Frozen Peas?

Cats can eat frozen peas but make sure that no preservative is added. Liquid Nitrogen is sometimes used as a preservative, and although it can prevent rotting, it is not safe for animal or human consumption. Therefore, only give frozen peas refrigerated using standard methods to your cats.

Can Cats Eat Canned Peas?

Can Cats Eat Canned Peas

Canned peas are not safe for cats and should not be fed to them. The process of canning involves using harmful chemicals and preservatives to preserve food for a long time. Such substances can interact with the packaged peas and can produce harmful effects on the digestive health of cats. Moreover, cans made with low-quality tin that can rust easily might cause cancer in cats. 

Can Cats Eat Peas And Corn?

Cats can eat peas and corn since they can benefit their health. Like peas, corn is rich in dietary fiber, is a good source of starch, and has natural sugars. Corn also contains monounsaturated fatty acid that helps digestion by keeping the gastrointestinal tract lubricated. Hence, adding two or three tablespoons of peas and corn to your cat’s feed will help them pass stools easily.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Cats Eat Sweet Peas?

Cats can eat sweet peas and are usually attracted to them because of their aroma and texture. Feeding cats sweet peas are safe as it keeps their stomach and gastrointestinal tract functioning healthily. In addition, the essential vitamins B6 and B12 found in peas can aid in maintaining a cat’s skeletal health.  

Can Cats Eat Black-Eyed Peas?

Black-eyed peas are not suitable for cats because they cannot digest them, leading to sickness. They contain excess sodium, which affects the cat’s kidneys and forms copious amounts of urine, resulting in frequent urination. Furthermore, some cats are sensitive to legumes, and adding black-eyed peas to their diet may cause them to become severely ill.

Are Chickpeas Bad For Cats?

Although not bad for cats, Chickpeas are not an ideal diet choice. They are a good source of protein but difficult to digest by cats. However, boil them properly if you want to add chickpeas to your cat’s diet, as raw chickpeas can cause indigestion and stomach ache. Also, use fresh or frozen chickpeas to avoid preservative intake.

Can Cats Eat Mushy Peas?

Cats can eat mushy peas and serve as a healthy replacement to their usual high-calorie treats. Mushy peas are rich in starch and dietary fiber. Adding it to your cat’s diet can help to keep their stomach acid controlled.


Even though peas are typically enjoyed in salads and pasta by many, they can also be eaten by cats in small portions. Cat edible peas are rich in vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and dietary fibers. Hence, adding it to your cat’s diet can serve various health benefits.

However, avoid feeding large amounts of this legume as it contains excess sodium, leading to illness. If you are planning to add peas to your cat’s diet, check with your vet first to prevent the risk of an adverse reaction.

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