Felines are known to be food lovers and are pretty adventurous by nature. Therefore they seize every opportunity of trying new foods without caring about what harm they may cause them. Can Cats Eat Cantaloupe? As a parent of your precious cat, it is customary to search for any harmful effects of certain foods before introducing them to their diet.

Can Cats Eat Cantaloupe?
When it comes to cantaloupes, the clear answer is yes; your cat can eat this fruit in moderate amounts and controlled portions. The article below discusses everything you need to know about cats and cantaloupes.
Is Cantaloupe Safe For Cats?
You may have observed that cats love cantaloupe, and the good news is that it is entirely safe for them to eat! But it should be given in moderate quantities.
Cats are carnivores meaning that the majority of their nutrition should come from meat. Therefore other foods that are not prohibited should be added to the diet on rare occasions.
Also, contact your veterinarian before giving your kitty cantaloupe to ensure that it won’t cause any harm.
Why Do Cats Love Cantaloupe?
It is common knowledge that cats are carnivores and are meat lovers and consumers. But, what is mind-boggling is the obsession cats have with cantaloupes. And it is observed with almost every cat.
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So is it the taste? The smell? Or the texture that attracts cats towards cantaloupe? It is the smell! Research on food smells shows that volatiles (a substance that evaporates to give the food its distinct smell) is why cats are attracted to cantaloupes.
Volatiles in melon fruit are derived from amino acids. Amino acids are also the primary component of proteins. And these amino acids are found in meat in large quantities. Although the amino acids found in this volatiles and meat may be the same, the quantity found in cantaloupe is minimal. But cats, with their strong sense of smell, think of it as meat.
What meat smells like to a cat may be a mystery, but it is sure that cantaloupe and meat have a similar smell and is the major contributor to a cat’s love for it.
Health Benefits Of Cantaloupe For Cats
Cantaloupe is delicious and, at the same time, filled with great nutrients such as Vitamin A, C, and B. Other than that, it also includes folic acid, fiber, and potassium.
This fruit is high in water and low in calories and therefore is an excellent addition to your kitty’s diet. The high water and fiber content help keep the digestive tract healthy by preventing constipation and dehydration.
Additionally, Vitamins found in cantaloupe are great anti-oxidants. Antioxidants slow down the aging process and promote healthy cell function.
Health Risks
There are many health risks involved with cantaloupe consumption. The exterior, for example, contains many harmful bacteria and microorganisms. Therefore, you should prevent your cat from licking that as it can cause health issues.
The other issue involved is choking hazards caused by the rinds of the fruit and the seeds. Additionally, the rinds are unsafe for consumption by felines. These, if ingested, can cause serious digestive issues.
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The primary confusion regarding such a healthy fruit is that people think there may be no associated problems. But unlike what most people think, cantaloupes are high in natural sugars. The high amount of sugar can lead to weight gain and diabetes. Hence, cats facing such problems should not be fed cantaloupes, or a veteran should be consulted beforehand.
How to Feed Cantaloupe to Your Cat?
As mentioned before, cats are carnivores, and hence, carbohydrates such as cantaloupes should be kept minimum in their diet. It should be given in small amounts as a treat.
When feeding your cat cantaloupe, remove the seeds and the rinds to prevent choking hazards. Additionally, cut the fruit into small bite-sized pieces, making it easier to consume. Keep the quantity low in your cat’s diet because their digestive system is not built to handle complex carbohydrates in large quantities.
It is better to skip this particular treat if your cat suffers from weight gain, digestive issues, or is a diabetic. And, if your pet starts behaving abnormally, like being lazy, vomiting, or not eating, you should contact a vet right away.
Cantaloupe For Cats With Kidney Disease
Cantaloupe is low in calories and contains many essential vitamins. But what we did not discuss before was that cantaloupe is an excellent fruit for cats suffering from kidney problems. Many older cats suffer from kidney problems along with low potassium levels.
Cantaloupes are rich in potassium, which helps in fighting or decreasing kidney issues along with increasing the overall potassium levels. Ensure you consult a veterinarian before trying to treat your cat yourself. A doctor would know the condition of your cat better and would give the best suggestion regarding that matter.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Cantaloupe Bad/Toxic For Cats?
Cantaloupe is not toxic to cats if given in moderation. But, too much can cause digestive discomfort and other problems. Keep an eye on your kitty to catch any unusual behavior or symptoms caused by eating cantaloupe.
Do Cats Like Cantaloupe?
Cats love cantaloupe, and the main reason is due to their smell. It has the same amino acids as meat. And as cats are carnivores, they love meat. So, most cats are attracted to cantaloupes naturally as they would be to meat.
How many cantaloupes Can A Cat Have?
A cat can have a few bite-sized pieces of cantaloupe occasionally as a treat and no more than that. Excessive amounts of fruit can cause stomach and GI tract issues.
Can Cats Eat Cantaloupe Seeds?
A cat can eat or swallow cantaloupe seed, but it should not. These seeds can cause obstruction and be a choking hazard for cats. Additionally, these seeds contain cyanide which is poisonous to cats. A small quantity may not cause much harm, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.
Cantaloupes can be great food for humans, but for cats, it is an entirely different matter. The digestive system and food requirements for both have a vast difference. Always do thorough research on your part before introducing any new fruit, vegetable, or food to your cat.
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