Should you be worried if your cat eats a surinam cherry? The simple answer is yes! It is, in fact, very likely for it to get something called cherry poisoning if it eats a surinam cherry. Cherry seeds contain cyanide, which can be dangerous if consumed in large quantities or if the pit is shattered.

However, since cats are generally unlikely to eat the pit, the poison would not be discharged, and it would not be enough to induce poisoning even if the pit was broken. The cat would have to eat at least five or more of these cherries for it to really be a problem. To learn more about this topic, read below to get more detailed answers to this question and related things.
What Should You Do – Can Cats Eat Surinam Cherry
Suppose your cat does eat a surinam cherry. This is quite possible, considering they might feel curious to taste anything in their sight. What do you do? Without panicking, know that if it does consume it, eating one cherry would not do much harm to it and it is unlikely for it to become severely sick.
The most that would happen is that it will experience diarrhea or maybe an upset stomach. However, if it has consumed a large amount of it, you might want to call your vet as soon as possible or keep a lookout on the symptoms so that you take it to the vet as soon as it gets bad.
Is surinam cherry good for cats?
While Surinam cherries are a good source of vitamin C, it is best to keep your pets, especially your cats, away from them. Surinam cherry can induce an obstruction in the colon or alter the motility of the intestine, essentially resulting in lasting harm. Moreover, It can also harm the inner intestinal surface, giving rise to ulcers or sometimes even ruptures.
Health risks of surinam cherry for cats
Yes, cherries provide many of the nutrients that cats require, but if your cat consumes the pit or any other portion of the fruit other than the flesh, it can be a risk to its health. It is advised to stay away from them entirely and consult your veterinarian if your cat shows indications of cherry poisoning.
Perhaps the most extreme health risk of surinam cherry, for the most part, is death. Moreover, it could cause intestinal obstruction. The pit in itself could naturally cause choking. More importantly, cherries are heavy in sugar, which is bad for cats, especially if they already have particularly high blood sugar levels or are old in age.
Could the seed be removed and then given to the cat?
The straightforward answer is that you should steer clear of fruits such as cherries and raisins or anything that explicitly has seeds or pits. This is because it might cause severe choking, which could particularly prove to be fatal or deadly for your cat. Some seeds may also contain toxic substances like cyanide which can be a health hazard for your cat.
What about other surinam cherry cat food treat recipes?
Avoid cherry recipes! If you want to create some healthy and safe homemade cat treats, choose meat and fish as your primary elements. Fruits that cats can mainly consume without trouble are included in several feline-friendly recipes, such as those frozen banana nibbles or tuna and blueberry snacks.
However, too many treats might mostly lead to weight gain or uncontrolled blood sugar in cats. While some fruits (apples, bananas, blueberries, strawberries, and melons) generally are appropriate for cats to eat, treats in general, of any type should not constitute a particularly large part of their diet.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is surinam cherry bad for cats?
As mentioned before, surinam cherry is indeed bad for cats. The most dangerous risk by far is its ability to cause cyanide poisoning. It results in the failure of oxygen going into the cells and could prove fatal for the cat.
check can cats eat pineapple
What other fruits or vegetables could your cat eat?
Many people who own cats and dogs are pretty familiar with the beneficial properties of fruits and vegetables which play an important part in their overall nutrition. However, since cats are obligate carnivores, they don’t really need food and vegetables to thrive.
What’s best for them naturally, is the store-bought cat food that contains everything they need for their growth and nutrition. But if you feel like you want your cat to have some fruits and vegetables for a change of taste, you can try safe ones like cucumber, cantaloupe, zucchini, beans, and bananas. Maybe some sweet potatoes or steamed broccoli would make a nice occasional snack!
Other things that your cat can eat as an alternative
Cats don’t usually eat fruit, but they definitely enjoy dairy products. Since cherry yogurt contains no pits or stems, there is no danger in giving your cat a little taste of it. But because cherry yogurt can have high sugar content, it could essentially make your cat sick.
On top of that, letting your cat consume dairy is also not such a good idea. A tiny amount as an occasional snack, on the other hand, is unlikely to cause harm. Remember that your cat’s primary diet should be protein and meat-based, and all other foods should not comprise more than 10% of their meal.
What happens if a cat eats surinam cherry?
In cats, cherry poisoning usually causes toxicity that is either less or moderately serious. However, if a sufficient amount of surinam cherry is ingested, severe clinical symptoms will emerge. Those symptoms could be mucous membranes that appear bright red, insufficient oxygen levels, breathing problems, dilated pupils, and even death in worst-case scenarios.
In conclusion, it is not at all recommended to let your cat consume Surinam cherries. Not only do they not provide any substantial health benefits that cats don’t already get from their regular diet, but cherry poisoning can be fatal as well. If you catch them trying to steal a bite, reprimand them and relocate the cherries to a safe location where it is unreachable for the cat.