Loquat is a superfood containing massive benefits for the body’s overall health. Other names for loquats are biwa, pipa, and nispero. Thousands of years ago, loquats were used as medicine. Can Cats Eat Loquats? The loquat is a flowering plant that is found in Asian countries like Japan, Korea, the Philippines, India, and Pakistan.

Can Cats Eat Loquats?
It is found in the form of a shrub or a tree with a rounded crown. It is commercially developed for the fruit it carries, and it gives rise to a wonderful ornamental plant. Japan, where loquat is also known as Japanese plum, produces the largest number of loquat in the world, followed by Brazil. Loquats develop narrow or broad elliptic to lanceolate-shaped leaves. Furthermore, it produces small and fragrant flowers.
The Flesh Of Loquat
Loquat produces fruits that are oval, roundish, or pear-shaped. It has pulpy flesh with three to five seeds covered with a hard membrane in the center of the fruit. The skin of the fruit can be yellow-orange or reddish-blue colored. Moreover, the flesh is sweet or slightly acidic in taste, and the color is white or orange.
Unlike the fruit, the seed contains a genic glycoside, a group of toxic compounds that can induce mild intoxication after consumption. Typical symptoms of toxicity include nausea, vomiting, and shortness of breath.
Is It Edible For Cats?
Yes, a cat can eat loquats. In fact, it can be beneficial for it, just like it provides health benefits to humans. However, the seeds show some severe toxicity. Loquat is rich in insoluble dietary fiber, pectin. Pectin carries water inside the colon and thus acts as a laxative.
In this way, it helps protect the colon mucous membrane by decreasing exposure time to toxic substances and binding to cancer-causing factors in the colon. It has also been revealed that it decreases cholesterol levels.
Is Loquat Poisonous To Cats?
According to the Policy Planning Division of the Ministry of Agriculture Food Security, loquat, when sown with seeds, contains a poisonous compound known as cyanide. If a cat consumes it in bulk, it can show some serious side effects. These side effects include vomiting, heavy panting, nausea, and shortness of breath. It can also lead to death in case of hypertoxicity. So, the fruit should be given in a monitored amount to the pet.
Is Loquat Toxic To Cats?
Cats can eat the juicy flesh of loquat, but the seed or pit is toxic if cats eat it in large quantities. Besides containing toxic compounds, the cat can have problems swallowing the seed. It can cause choking as the seed is approximately half to one inch in diameter. Also, it can cause gastrointestinal blockage in cats.
Health Benefits Of Loquats For Cats
Cardiovascular Benefits
The loquat fruit contains lots of potassium, which helps dilate blood vessels in the cardiovascular system of cats. Potassium is also known as brain food. Also, it helps protect the heart of the pets.
Lower Risk Of Cancer
Loquats are thought to have properties that protect the consumer from cancer. Several studies demonstrate that it can squash cell carcinogenesis in various stages.

Treat Excessive Coughing
Loquats can amazingly treat any coughing in cats. It is due to the fact that it acts as an expectorant. That is why it is usually used in cough syrup.
Excellent Source of Vitamin C
Loquats are one of the fruits that provide a healthy dose of vitamin C. Vitamin C helps fight against pathogens and improves collagen production.
Aids Digestive Problems
If a cat is suffering from digestive problems, loquats can act as a digestive aid. This is because it contains pectin, which is dietary fiber. Dietary fibers help in bowel movements in cats. Loquats also contain Vitamin A.
Reduce Inflammation
Loquats can also reduce inflammation in the body of cats. Dietary experts have revealed that loquat has properties of anti-inflammatory and analgesic kind.
Health Risks of Loquats For Cats
If a cat consumes an excessive amount of loquats, it can be life-threatening for the pet. The seeds, leaves, and stems of the fruit contain cyanide glycosides which are pretty poisonous. So, these parts should be avoided for feeding the cats.
Excessive feeding of the fleshy fruit should be avoided, as it may trigger allergic reactions or side effects which include muscle problems like weakness and muscle cramps. Some other adverse effects of consuming an excessive amount of this fruit in cats are nausea, abdominal pain, and vomiting.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Loquats Safe To Eat For Cats?
Loquats are entirely safe for cats. However, it should be fed to cats after removing the seed or pit of the fruit. Otherwise, the seed or pit can cause problems for the pet. Moreover, the juicy flesh of the fruit provides multiple health benefits to cats. Also, it can serve as a change of flavor and taste from the usual meaty foods. The cats may like the slightly sweet and sour taste of the fruit.
Are Loquats Leaves Edible For Cats?
The leaves of loquats are edible for cats. Moreover, the leaves have the property of antioxidants. It enables in fighting various kinds of diseases. However, since these leaves contain cyanide glycosides, it is best not to feed them to your cat excessively.
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Is It Safe To Eat Loquat Seeds For Cats?
Seeds of the loquat fruit are not safe at all for cats. The diameter of the seed is large enough to get stuck in the cat’s throat, which can be a choking hazard. The poisonous compound in the seeds called cyanide glycosides can cause severe toxicity in cats. The poisoning of cyanide glycosides includes acute intoxication, which may lead to the tissue destruction of the central nervous system.
Loquat can be fed to cats in the right dose and right frequency. However, excessive consumption of fruit should be strictly prohibited in cats. Most importantly, the seeds should not be administered to the cats. Otherwise, it can cause severe toxicity in them.
If a cat accidentally consumes the toxic compounds and shows neurological problems like tremors, nausea, vomiting, or difficulty in breathing, then you should immediately take your pet to the veterinarian and consult with them.